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Map Index

添加57字节2020年5月13日 (三) 12:47
|title=<big>Map Index</big>
It's been a long time since ballance was released. Its the release of Ballance, and its original 12+1 levels cannot satisfy the interest of its gamers, so which lead to the appearance of custom maps appeared. Custom maps are built made based on knowing the manufactoring principle knowledge of properties of objects and the "principles" of map-making in Ballance. This episode article is aimed at listing all the custom maps that has been created so far. If you want to know how to make a custom mapap, please see [[Mapping|Mapping page]]. And about the history of custom maps, please also see the history part of Mapping page. The history of custom maps is roughly recorded there.
Here you will get an overview of the classification of custom maps. Custom maps are currently divided into three types: independent maps, professional speedrun and modified maps, which will be introduced later on separately.
Moreover, due to the large number of custom maps, if you want to quickly locate a map, you may want to use the search bar in the upper right corner. 
|title=[[:Category:Independent Maps|Independent Maps]]
Independent maps 是由地图制作者独立或部分借鉴现有地图的结构而独立创作出来的,它们有的比较有趣,有的比较冗长,也有的需要你仔细思考才能通关。制作此类地图通常需要消耗大量的精力与时间。但是这也意味着它们通常拥有较高的质量和完成度。are made indepently or partly derived from available maps by mappers. Some of them are interesting; some are lengthy; and some need carefully thinking. Typically, making an independent level is time and energy-consuming, but that also gives the level high quality and completeness.
|title=[[:Category:Professional Speedrunning|Professional Speedrunning]]
专业竞速是由Ballance吧的Burning红云所制作的一套地图集,其目的在于比试Ballance的技巧,练习Ballance手感。相较于独立自制地图,虽然这个地图集的地图也是自制的,但是它们都很短小精悍,每张图仅仅只有一个小节。专业竞速非常适合用于针对某一种竞速技术进行训练,也比较适合用于比较玩家之间的技术差异。Professional speedrunnings are two series of levels made by Burning红云 from [[Chinese Ballance Forum]], which are aimed at competiting skills in playing Ballance and exercising. Compared to independent levels, 虽然这个地图集的地图也是自制的,但是它们都很短小精悍,每张图仅仅只有一个小节。专业竞速非常适合用于针对某一种竞速技术进行训练,也比较适合用于比较玩家之间的技术差异。
|title=[[:Category:Modified Maps|Modified Maps]]
这个部分的地图均是对已存的原版地图又或者是自制地图进行修改而被创造出来的,修改方法包括但不仅限于:反向,线框化,45°化,弱智化。这些地图中有些修改并没有明确的意义,可能仅仅是满足改图者自身的喜好或娱乐。Modified levels, or modified maps, are created from existing [[default levels]] and [[custom levels]]. These include reversed levels, grid-floor levels, 45° levels, and easy levels. Some may be meaningless, just for the desire of the mapper and/or entertainment.
改图的技术要求远远小于制作一张独立自制地图,因此它不仅成为了新晋制图师所偏好的练手物,而且也是Ballance自制地图的起源。Ballance的自制地图最早起源于jxpxxzj制作的一张反向 Skill needed for modifying a level is far lower than creating a custom level, thus not only has modifying levels become a preferred way to exercise by new mappers, but also, it gave rise to custom levels. Ballance的自制地图最早起源于jxpxxzj制作的一张反向 Level 1,此后在各个玩家的不停地探索之下,探索出各种技术后,才逐渐从改地图走向制作新地图。
|title=The Top 3 of custom maps
<gallery mode="packed-hover">
Image:MonengSpace.jpg|[[Moneng Space]]
