=== Stone ball ===
=== Paper ball ===
* Balls can activate [[checkpoint]]s.
* Only when a ball comes near the modules will they be loaded, otherwise they are "frozen".
* Stone ball can break down [[suspension bridge]]s on contact, regardless of its mass (if changed by editing modifying [[Balls.nmo]]); however the prop stone ball will not do so.
== Did you know ==
* 木球和石球的形状是直径为4米的正球体,且被脚本写死;纸球的形状则是不规则的,通过修改[[Shapes of the wood ball and the stone ball are perfect balls with the diameters of 4 meters, which are fixed in scripts; the shape of paper ball is irregular and its hitbox can even be modified in Balls.nmo]]甚至可以更改其形状(包括碰撞箱)。而在Balls. 而在Balls.nmo中修改其余两种球的形状,只会改变它们的外观,而它们正球体的碰撞箱不会变。
* 虽然默认纸球的弹力是石球的4倍,木球的弹力是石球的2倍,修改Balls.nmo时将三者等比调高,制作出[[弹力球]]时却会导致石球表观弹力高于木球,木球表观弹力高于纸球。推测这可能是三者空气阻力不同所致。
* 纸球可以被风扇吹起,而道具纸球不能。
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