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Default levels

添加10字节2023年5月17日 (三) 16:12
replace "stuck ball" and "wrong ball" with "non possum mori" and "non possum continue"
After clearing the level, it is the same as the 12th level, and a flying saucer will appear to pick up the wooden ball. However, since the 13th level is the last level, there is no option to "go to the next level" in the menu displayed after clearing the level.
Some areas of this level are obviously poor in detail and slightly insufficient in design. In addition, this level not only has a [[stuck ballnon possum mori]] softlock that also appears in other levels, 13-4 even has a serious design flaw of a [[wrong ballnon possum continue]].
=== Demo Level ===
*: And because the 13th level is a late release <ref name="release" />, and the production team disbanded shortly after {{source request}}, this statement continues to be supported.
* There is a long-standing legend in [[Ballance Bar]] that in a lost version of the Twilight zone, in addition to the 13th level "Speed", there are also the 14th level "Strength" and the 15th level "Ability", but this is merely a myth; there is no evidence of such. But, this also gave birth to the custom series [[Power]] and [[Ability]] "pseudo", and the Ballance Mod produced by [[Ballance Mod Loader Gamepiaynmo/|Gamepiaynmo The Loader plug-in]] directly added the "power" and "ability" selection function.
* The [[DepthTestCube]] at the end of Level 7 is not long enough. If the player deliberately goes off the path near the spaceship and continues to move forward, he will bypass the death zone and keep falling infinitely (causing [[stuck ballnon possum mori]]).
* It is believed that the difficulty of level 10 is easier than level 9, and it seems that even the production team thinks so. <ref name="l10" />
* Except for level 12, Ballance's built-in leaderboard defaults to "Mr. Default", and the scores are all reduced from 4000 to 400 according to the tolerance of 400. The 12th level is occupied by "Mrs. Default", and the score is reduced from 7000 to 3400 according to the tolerance of 400.
