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Ballance Wiki:Contributions

添加1,627字节2023年10月12日 (四) 00:12
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Ballance <span style="word-wrap: break-word">Wiki:Contributions}}{{Dynamic list}}This page lists all contributors to this Wiki. </spanbr>{{Resize|本页列出了此 Wiki 的全部贡献者。|0.92em}}
This page lists all of contributors for this WikiNames are not listed in order unless stated otherwise.Users are hyperlinked to their user pages (if existing). <br>{{Resize|用户名除有特别提及规则外未按照顺序排列。用户名会被链接到相应的用户页(如果用户页存在)。|0.92em}}
Names Users with no edits or with only malicious tampering are not listed in order. Users are hyperlinked [[特殊:用户列表|Click here to their user pages (if existing)see the full userlist]]. <br>{{Resize|没有任何编辑或仅有恶意修改的用户不会被列出。[[特殊:用户列表|点此可以查看完整的用户列表]]。|0.92em}}
Users with no edits are not listedLast updated on / {{Resize|最后更新于|0. [[特殊92em}}:用户列表|Click here to see the full userlist]]{{REVISIONYEAR}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONDAY}}.
== Founder / 建立者 ==
* jxpxxzj
* ([[BearKidsTeam]])
== Contents / 内容 ==
Names here are sorted by the time of their creation.<br>{{Resize|本处的用户按照注册的时间排列。|0.92em}}
Please note that as MediaWiki forces capitalization of the first letter in usernames by default, capitalization styles of names here may not conform to all users' preferences. <br>
{{Resize|请注意由于 MediaWiki 默认强制用户名首字母大写,因而本处的大小写样式并不一定能遵守用户的个人喜好。|0.92em}}
<div style="-webkit-columns: 12em 2; -moz-columns: 12em 2; -o-columns: 12em 2; columns: 12em 2">
=== 2018 ===
* [[User:Chirs241097|Chris Xiong]]
* [[User:Yyc12345|yyc12345]]
* [[User:Chirs241097|Chris Xiong]]
* Boddswba
* [[User:BallanceBug|BallanceBug]]
* [[User:EdManager|EdManager (GEcoldstar)]]
* [[User:云居一号|云居一号]]
=== 2019 ===
* Gamd
* [[User:Ghomist|Ghomist]]
* [[User:STERD|STERD]]
* PlAer[[User:plAer-2|plAer-2]]* [[User:Xujade0806|Xujade0806]]
* 渴望新地图
* Razor25347
=== 2020 ===
* Skictick
* [[User:Barry Wu|Barry Wu]]
* HanCF
* 9826HZg
* AlwaysGu
* Itzenjoydhylwu
* Fps0605
* Blblb (BallanceLover)
* SS
* 162534XXX
* Swung0x48
* Whyyy
* Dov
=== 2021 ===
* [[User:Picksword ps|Picksword ps]]
* [[User:Liuziyu1024|Liuziyu1024]]
* Onlyforyou
* Greenball
=== 2022 ===
* 澈零
* Cjj490168650
* Wit
* Speedystoneball
* 老班长与鱼刺
* Fluoresce
* [[User:HMB-delevan|HMB-delevan]]
=== 2023 ===
* Chow comrade
* Qiyigww
* Imengyu
== Translation / 翻译 ==
* yyc12345
* Chris Xiong
* BallanceBug
* Razor25347
