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添加3,057字节2021年6月8日 (二) 14:33
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== Week 20 ==
In this week research, the greatest exciting thing is that the shortcut of Level 2 Sector 3 has been proven to be possible. Then some speedrunner learned TAs operation and do it by themselves successfully. Some breakthrough records were created after the discovery of this shortcut.
Then, onlyforyou__ found that another protential shortcut in Level 2 Sector 4, also is implementable. This shortcut also will greatly reduce the time consumption during Level 2.
The TAS research is still on going level by level. Current progress is Level 2. It is expectable that more shortcuts will be discovered in future.
Ballexer released his new map, GaiYin (not the player who in Ballance speedrun field, it just named as the name of the Ballance player with the same name.). The design of this custom map comes from GaiYin and Ballaxer create this, and then GaiYin test it. This map is focus on the training of speedrun skills.
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7340511646<br />
Preview images:<br />
[[File:逻辑图1.png|逻辑图1]] [[File:逻辑图2.png|逻辑图2]] [[File:逻辑图3.png|逻辑图3]]
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7326684050 Example video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1N64y127b7
Preview images:<br />
[[File:自动图1.png|自动图1]] [[File:自动图2.png|自动图2]]
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7333209128 Video 1: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13B4y1w71r Video 2: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17v411j7xS Video 3: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1954y1j74x
Ballexer updated his custom map, Trap. He added a new sector for this map.<br />
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7289059079<br />
How to use:<br />
Download the latest version of BML, and it support TAS mod. In default, this mod is disabled. You should enable it in mod configuration page and restart game to enable Ballance TAS. For recording, if you enable TAS, all of your passed level will be record, but if you exit or restart the level, the record will stop automatically. For playing existing TAs file, you should press the button in level pick page after enabling TAS, and choose a TAS file to load and play it.<br />
TAs mod only record 8 keyboard operations, including up, down, left, right, shift, space, q, Esc. Any other keyboard or mouse operations will be ignored.
The significant elements of this map is looping rail and floor. Due to this, this map is a super hardcore map for every players. Although it is enough hard, it still is simpler than Ballex’s Trap. So, unless you are confident in your Ballance technique, don’t try this map. This map is not suit for normal players.
[[File:圈套1.png|圈套1]]<br />[[File:圈套2.png|圈套2]]<br />[[File:圈套3.png|圈套3]]
Review Ballex map: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ft4y1S76a<br />
Screenshot:<br />
Release topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7259813352
This translation project was started by HCF(韩长甫). yyc12345 just took a research for the NLP file when HCF facing the issue that he couldn’t decode NLP file. There is a image that show the partly translated Virtools user interface.
HCF’s topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7222850419<br />
飘动的雨灵 published his 1-13 combined level CHS spedrun video.<br />
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7226535693<br />
A preview image:<br />
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7214239129
According to topic, he said he didn’t have enough power to make a complex map so he created this map. And this map have some shortcut and may can be suit for speedrun.
A preview image: [[File:萌新快乐图2.0.png|萌新快乐图2.0]]
Topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7217559612
A Statistica image:<br />
Release topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7212294069<br />
Preview image:<br />
Download from follwing Discord message.
Preview image:<br />
Release topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7201755295<br />
Preview image:<br />
Release topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7184345261
yyc12345 made a live on January 9th, 2021 and mainly making his new custom map. He use Blender to create his new custom map and almost finished his map’s main body. He said after decoration, this map can be released. There are no replay video for this live. He also post a pre-release version in Chinese Ballance group and tried to collect advises and ideas.
== Week 1 ==
December 28th, 2020 - January 3rd, 2021
dahkjdas released his new custom map: 都会十字(Metropolis cross). This map became the last custom map in 2020. According to release topic’s introduce, this map started to be created on July, and it finally released in this day due to some various reason.<br />
This map have 5 sectors, predicted difficulty level is 4 in 5. and it can be passed within an hour and a half at the first try according to author says. It is a logic map. This map contain a special element: Stopper rail. It is represented in game with pink color. And he put much work on the metal tube.<br />
Stopper rail is the elements which only allow elements use them. The player ball will omit them, just like go through them directly.<br />
The author also introduce this map’s each sectors. For more detail, please view release topic.
Preview:<br />
Release topic: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7175013796
SiZhong(四中2014届1班) made a live on January 1, 2021. He mainly play the new custom map of dahkjdas, 都会十字(Metropolis cross).<br />
Currently, there are no replay video for this live.
His live room: https://live.bilibili.com/10382419 His live notice: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7176446900
plAer-2 released the year report in Chinese Ballance Community. This report make a conclusion of this year’s speedrun and mapping achievements within 3 images. What makes everyone astonishing is that dahkjdas contribute 21 custom map in this year.<br />
plAer-2 originally want to post a English version in Discord. But it was put aside due to the custom map don’t have proper translation.
Report url: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7177044225
yyc12345 put a pre-release version of his new BML mod, BallanceOptiFine in CHinese Ballance QQ group.<br />
The aim of this mod is add shadow, transitional column and etc for old Ballance custom maps. As we know, old Ballance custom maps don’t have these features due to limited technology in that time, so this mod can forced add these features in old map. It will make the old map more modern and beautiful.<br />
The lowest required BML version of this mod is 0.3.29.
GitHub link: https://github.com/yyc12345/BMLMods/tree/master/BallanceOptiFine
Gamepiaynmo updated his BML to version 0.3.30. It mainly fix CKTexture issue. Solve some call errors.
At the end of 2020 and the head of 2021, the member of Chinese Ballance Community greets each other in community to celebrate the coming of the new year.
