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Yyc12345讨论 | 贡献2023年2月7日 (二) 10:44的版本 Client Usage:promote translation
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Chinese version / 中文版: BallanceMMOClient/zh


  • Download from Publish Website. Click "Download Standalone Package" to download. (Suggested)
  • Join Multi-play QQ Group, and download from QQ Group Files.
  • Join Ballance Discord Server.
  • Download from the Release page of GitHub repository.(Not suggested because publish is not in time.)
  • Download project and build by yourself.(Not suggested because building this plugin is harder than imagine.)

Please read the requirement of server which you want to join and download correct version. In most instances, downloading the latest version is the best decision. Server will reject the connection of obsolete client after some updates.

Client Settings

After installation, there are 2 way to configure your BallanceMMOClient settings
First, you can enter BallanceMMOClient entry in BML Mods menu, then use its submenu to set the settings what you want set. If your settings is too long or contain complex words, you can use the next method instead.
Method 2, Close game, navigate to ModLoader/Config/BallanceMMOClient.cfg and open it. Now, you can change all settings directly.

Core Settings

Server URL and player name are 2 essential settings for this plugin. You should fill them before any multiplayer game.

Player name setting locate in Player - Playername. Please choose a clear name. By the way, BMMO server will check your given name and remove all invalid characters, so the name adopted by the server may not exactly same with your set name.

Server URL setting locate in Remote - ServerAddress. You must set your server URL correctly, and stay in the same server with your friends/competitors, otherwise you can not do a normal multiplayer game. If the port of this field is omitted, the plugin will connect to the default port 26676.

Other Settings

Spectator Mode setting locate in Remote - SpectatorMode. If enable it, you will enter spectator mode when joining multiplay server. The player in spectator mode will not be account into level ranking. And your ball position also will not be shared. Spectator mode are frequently used by tournament commentary and referee. The name of online players in spectator mode will have a extra star (*) prefix to indicate them.

Extrapolation setting locate in Gameplay - Extrapolation. If enable it, plugin will use extrapolation algorithm to smooth the movement of shadow ball to get better visual effect. If you disable it, the path of each players ball will be dispersed ("Flash"). The default of this setting is enable and we highly recommend all players enable it.

Player list color setting locate in Gameplay - PlayerListColor. This setting allow you customize the color of player list panel which displayed at the right-bottom corner of game window. Usually no need to modify this.

Client Usage


There are the syntax of following commands introduction and some annotations.

  • Use Space to split arguments. The argument without any modifier/bracket should be input directly.
  • name indicate the long name of this argument is name. the short name of this argument is nm. Input short name will call the same function.
  • <arg> indicate this argument should be replaced with some string according to your requirement.
  • [arg] indicate this argument is optional (use default value instead).
  • arg1 | arg2 Choose a argument between arg1 and arg2.
  • You can use Tab to auto fill command name, player name and player ID, except /mmo kick. Just like some UNIX terminals.
  • Command is case-insensitive. However, argument input by player is case-sensitive. Additionally, Tab Auto Fill rely on the function implemented by BML2, so it is also case-sensitive.

Server Status

  • /mmo connect [address] – Connect your specified server. If address argument is omitted, use the server setting of this plugin instead.
  • /mmo disconnect – Leave current connected server.

Player Status

  • /mmo list|list-id – Show a list containing all online player's name. if use list-id argument, a extra temporary internal player ID will be attached to its name.
  • /mmo getmap – For all players, show which map player is playing and its corresponding sector. It is convenient for looking for players.
  • /mmo getpos – Show the position and ball type for all players.[1]
  • /mmo reload – Reload all players status in client. If player name label and its shadow ball are mismatched, this function may solve this issue.
  • /mmo gettimestamp – Show all players extrapolation debug data.This command is served for the developer of this mod.

Player Interaction

  • /mmo say <text> or /say <text> – Send a public message in server with a content of <text>.[2].
  • /mmo whisper <player name> <text> or /mmo whisper #<player ID> <text> – Send a private message for your specified player. This message only can be seen by you and your specified player.
  • /mmo announce <text> – Send a important public message in server. This message support non-ASCII characters and will be shown at the center of game window for a while.
  • /mmo bulletin [text] – Set server bulletin text. The bulletin text bar will constantly displayed at the top-center of game window.[3]
  • /mmo announcemap – Explicitly notify server which map you are playing and which section you are staying. (It is convenient fot notify other players)
  • /mmo teleport <player name> or /mmo teleport #<player ID> – Teleport to other player's position. Only works on Cheat Mode.[4][1]
  • /mmo kick <player name> [reason] or /mmo kick #<player ID> [reason]: Kick the player from server with corresponding name (case-insensitive) or ID
  • /mmo custommap <Name|reset>: Customize your map name which you are playing. This name will be reset when switching levels or sectors.

Tournament Status

  • /mmo cheat on|off – 开启或关闭服务器内所有人的作弊模式(Cheat Mode)。
  • /mmo countdown – 自动连续发出 3, 2, 1, 开始比赛的信号。
  • /mmo dnf – 发出未能成功完赛所在地图的信号(同对应的快捷键)。
  • /mmo rank reset – 若玩家自己稍后发送比赛起跑命令,则同时重置服务器内所有地图先前已有的排行名次(适用于多地图连续比赛但仅发号一次的场景)。
  • /mmo ready|ready-cancel – 用于公开示意自己已经准备好了(进入已准备状态)或还未准备好(取消先前的准备状态)。


  • /mmo show|hide – 显示或隐藏本 mod 的命令行控制台。控制台内可以显示本 mod 的所有状态提示信息。命令行控制台的输入和输出将不再有ASCII字符限制(即支持显示与输入中文等字符)。同时输入命令时也无需 /mmo 前缀。

Keyboard Shortcuts

Self Status

  • Tab: 显示/隐藏其他玩家的影子球的名称标签。
  • F3: 显示/隐藏调试信息。
  • F3 + A: 重新加载服务器内玩家状态。如果玩家名称标记和实际影子球错位,可以使用重载功能调整。
  • Ctrl + Tab: 显示比赛内非旁观玩家的实时状态(所在的地图和小节)列表。[5]
  • Ctrl + `: 显示/隐藏自己的(经历网络延迟后的)实时影子球,方便观察自身延迟。[6][1]
  • Ctrl + Shift + ↑: 重置自己的视角。防止比赛过程中意外切换到非 90 度视角状态后无法正常继续比赛。[7]

Tournament Status

  • Ctrl + [3 or 2 or 1]: 发出对玩家所在地图开始比赛的对应倒数命令。
  • Ctrl + 0: 发出对玩家所在地图的起跑命令(玩家收到后会同时重置本地的比赛用时计时器)。根据服务器相关设置,地图相同的玩家收到后可能会自动重开所在地图。
  • Ctrl + 4: 发出对玩家所在地图的准备命令。
  • Ctrl + 5: 发出对玩家所在地图的确认准备状态的命令(用于提示玩家对自己是否准备好了进行示意)。
  • Ctrl + D double click quickly: Send DNF (Did not finish) signal for current map.

Available Servers

Considering the security of server, you should join corresponding Ballance community according to your multi-play requirements. Then, you can get an available server. Also, you can create a personal BMMO server and play with it. Its method will be introduced in the following chapter.
If you want to play with Chinese Ballance players, you should join Multi-play QQ Group and get server URL within it.
Or, there is a big latency when you are connecting to Chinese BMMO server, or you want to play Ballance with over world Ballance players, you can join Ballance Discord server and get server URL from #multiplay channel.

Deploy a Personal Server

In general, creating an BMMO server on a Linux server is easier than a Windows server. You can check out the GitHub repository's README file of this plugin to know how to deploy a BMMO server.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 For some reason about reducing computing and network resources, server will not send player's position and status data when the server only have a single player. So the shadow ball also can not move following player. Because of this, the position and ball type data is not correct when the server only have 1 player.
  2. Before 3.1.5-beta5, due to the implementation of BMMO, Space is not supported in message content. You need to use other symbol to split words if you need. For example, you can type wait/a/minute or wait-a-minute instead of wait a minute.
  3. Bulletin text do not support line breaker. Please use a clear and short text for it. Additionally, bulletin will set to blank when all players disconnected from server.
  4. Teleportation only can move you to other player's position. It can not switch your sector automatically and also can not restore element statues.This command is frequently used with /mmo getmap
  5. 先按住 Ctrl 再按 Tab(其他快捷键同理),虽然要同时按下但顺序不可错乱。
  6. ` 键位于标准 QWERTY 键盘的 1 键左侧,同时可以用于输入 ~
  7. 重置视角时摄像机需要有大约 1~2 秒的调整时间,此期间建议不要移动防止出现其他意外(可以在变球器上时调整视角,减少非必要的时间浪费)。