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HMB-delevan讨论 | 贡献2023年2月28日 (二) 00:05的版本
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This page is about the ball that can be directly controlled by the player by pressing down buttons on the keyboard, not the Prop ball, which is a module and used as a type of props.
The appearance of three types of ball (from left: paper ball, wooden ball, and stone ball).

Ball, or called the player ball, is the core of Ballance and the only element that can be controlled by the player directly. The mean diameter of every type of ball is 4 meters: while the shapes of wood ball and stone ball are perfectly round, the paper ball is irregular, with its maximum width being 5 meters. By using transformers the current ball type can be changed.



Wooden ball

The default type of ball when the player starts at Level 1–12. It has a mass of 1.9 tons, with a brownish-yellow wooden texture. It is made by gluing and splicing wooden strips with some green spots and scratches.


Stone ball

The default ball type on start of Level 13. 质量为10吨。外观总体上呈青绿色,表面有大量的坑。它的力量大,可以无需助跑推动各种机关;沙袋不容易阻挡它;但它的惯性巨大,不易操控。不过由此也可以被用在自制地图中通过“过山车”式设计。事实上,第9、13关就有了这种设计。它还可以使软木桥断裂。此外,它可以被最少32个风扇叠加吹起;理论上可以跨过3个箱式浮板(需要高技术水平)。

Paper ball

The paper ball weighs 0.2 ton. There does not exist any paper transformers in unmodified Level 1, and paper ball also cannot be used。其外观为数张报纸粘合而成的不规则白色球体,棱角分明;十分轻盈,可被风扇吹起,不会压开箱式浮板,但是不能推动大多数机关(升降机围墙可以被纸球用力助跑推开;推板在特定情况下能够被推开;箱子可以非常困难地推开;单摆可以被轻松推开)。此外,由于其表面不平整,因此无法以任何方式(包括借助定位杆对齐)与单轨对齐而安全通过。

Physical parameters

Below are parameters of three types of balls (bold denotes difference from prop balls):

Type Diameter of hitbox (meter) Friction Elasticity Mass (ton) Linear damping Rotational damping Force
Wood 4.0 0.8 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.1 0.43
Stone 4.0 0.5 0.1 10.0 0.3 0.1 0.92
Paper Mean 4.0, maximum 5.0 0.5 0.4 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.065

Note: "Force" is the force on the ball when it is made to roll by the player pressing down the keyboard; as a result, it is meaningless to the prop balls.

For references, below are parameters of prop balls:

Type Diameter of hitbox (meter) Friction Elasticity Mass (ton) Linear damping Rotational damping
Wood 4.0 0.6 0.2 2.0 0.6 0.1
Stone 4.0 0.7 0.1 10.0 0.2 0.1
Paper Mean 4.0, maximum 5.0 0.5 0.4 0.2 1.5 0.1


  • Balls can activate checkpoints.
  • Only when a ball comes near the modules will they be loaded, otherwise they are "frozen".
  • Stone ball can break down suspension bridges on contact, regardless of its mass (if changed by modifying Balls.nmo); however the prop stone ball will not do so.

Did you know

  • Shapes of the wood ball and the stone ball are perfect balls with the diameters of 4 meters, which are fixed in scripts, which means that only the appearances, not the hitboxes of wood/stone balls can be changed by modifying Balls.nmo; the shape of paper ball is irregular and its hitbox can even be modified in Balls.nmo.
  • Though the paper ball has a elasticity 4 times of the stone ball, 2 times of the wood ball, 修改Balls.nmo时将三者等比调高,制作出弹力球时却会导致石球表观弹力高于木球,木球表观弹力高于纸球。推测这可能是三者空气阻力不同所致。
  • APaper balls can be blown by ventilators while prop paper balls can't.