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删除6字节2019年6月18日 (二) 14:08
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<span id="From_today.27s_featured_article"></span>
<span class="mw-headline" id="From_today's_featured_article" style="display: block">Featured custom map</span>
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[[File:Moqiu.png|thumb|200px|right|The chessboard structure with the character "虬"]]
[[Moqiu]](''魔虬'' mó qiú, English name: ''The devil dragon'') is a Ballance custom map, created by ImbalanceDream, released on July 1, 2012. Just as ImbalanceDream's words, "The way to passing this level is so difficult that even more difficult than going to the sky. Don't play it with a irritated mindset. I pay a high tribute to those who can pass this level.", this custom map 's aim is testing your technique and it is so long that everyone feels exhausted during playing. So, these features make most of the Ballance players discouraged.
This map has 8 sections. Every sections needs to pay some time to think. The techniques, which this map will test for you, include riding ball, missing transformer, controlling wood/paper ball on monorails and etc. Moqiu is the map with middle-difficulty in all of the custom maps. If you are a beginner and you want to look throught roughly. Please check [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXxlhX8b8L8 ImbalanceDream's video].
* If Ballance has 100 levels. This map is , this will be the 101st level. ----sterd3
* This extraordinary map might shock the designers of Ballance. ----周元龙周元龙
Later, Moqiu, Moneng Space and Double Path become the well-known maps in custom map field. And it is downloaded and played by countless beginners and speerunners.
ImbalanceDream uploaded a video about passing Moqiu with 1 life on Youtube, July 8, 2017. It earn 68265 viewer, 116 like and 41 comments(till July 2018). It might the most popular video about Ballance custom map after Moneng Spance's video. It's easy to see that almost Ballance players like this map. It is difficult to do for custom maps. It is also a shining point of the Moqiu.
<h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="clear:both; margin:0.5em; background:#cef2e0; font-family:inherit; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">
<span class="mw-headline" id="Did_you_know..." style="display: block">Did Do you know...</span>
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[[File:Special34.gif|thumb|180px|right|A horizontal 34 element——Captured from the custom map called '''Journey of New Horizons''']]
* If you set a horizontal 34 element, the stone block of 34 element will slide on a surface without any friction. You will trigger 34 element's bug and make your ball fly into the sky when you use stone or wood ball to cross a horizontal 34 element. The farther initial position, the more unstable status of 34 element.
* You can unlock all levels via inputting gravity in CREDIT page.(Temporary unlock)
<big>([[Do you know|Show more]])</big>
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<span class="mw-headline" id="In_the_news" style="display: block">Speedrun field</span>
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<span class="mw-headline" id="On_this_day" style="display: block">Popular downloaddownloads</span>
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Only the content that can be downloaded will be listed here, and no link links will be attached. If you need to download, please go to [https://mega.nz/#F!CV5SyapR!LbduTW51xmkDO4EDxMfH9w this website] and all the resources listed here can be downloaded there.
There are only some important resources existed, such as Ballance install app. More resources will coming soon.
* '''Ballance Install App'''(Only for the people who lost CD or want to taste try Ballance): Install Ballance directly.* '''Ballance Mapping Tools Package''': The best tools package for Ballance cartogrphermappers.
* '''Ballance Tools Box'''(Multi-language): The best way to configure the settings related to Ballance.
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<span class="mw-headline" id="Other_areas_of_Wikipedia" style="display: block">About this wiki</span>
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This wiki is run by [https://github.com/BearKidsTeam BearKidsTeam] and almost all contents are come from [[Chinese Ballance Forum]]. For the English content of this wiki, it is mostly translated from the Chinese wiki. Also, we will appreciate it if you can contribute your words.
You can join our [https://discord.gg/hyarMPm Discord] server to know get more information.
I We would like to express my our heartfelt gratitude gratitudes for [[Contributions|the people who contribute to this wiki]]. There is no such Without you, the encyclopedia without youwon't be here.
