{{Distinguish|本页面是指独立存在的正方体箱子,不是作为34机关组成部分的This page is about the box as an independent [[34机关|34机关箱子module]]。, not the box under the [[falling stone]].}}
{{Module desc
| name = Box
| img = [[File:3-3中的大量木箱.jpg|200px]]
| desc = 在第三关第三小节的大量箱子,同时被用来拦截玩家球和为玩家球铺路。Boxes at [[section]] 3, level 3, which is used for obstructing the [[player ball]] and paving.
| module = P_Box
| appearance = Levels except 13
The '''箱子box'''(Box),又称'''木箱''',游戏内记为, also called the wooden box, which is denoted as '''P_Box'''。这同时也是它in game, is an abundant module with a simple shape: a cube, with its edges measuring 5 meters in length. Its [[归组texture]]的组别名称。looks like a box with a silver metal frame and some nails.
== 简介 Description ==箱子是[[Ballance/zh|Ballance]]中很常见的一种机关。它的外观构成很简单,是一个单位体积的,棕色木质的,边框有银色金属框和钉子固定的正方体。
== 物理参数 ==
* 箱子被原版地图大量运用,但是只有第十三关没有出现——那里只有[[34机关|34机关箱子]]。
{{机关列表module list}}