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BearKidsTeam讨论 | 贡献2018年6月21日 (四) 14:02的版本 (创建页面,内容为“Ballance's record is an important part of Ballance's environment. So far, there are many record certifiers who support the verification and display of Ballance recor…”)
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Ballance's record is an important part of Ballance's environment. So far, there are many record certifiers who support the verification and display of Ballance records. In the following text, the corresponding record certifiers and their supporting record modes will be introduced one by one. Each record mode has a unique type of symbol that you can use to quickly determine what recording mode is using in some recorded videos or during everyday chat. For record publishers, it is best to mark this type of symbol on your video.


Chinese Ballance Forum

Supported record authentication mode

  • CSR(Chinese Speedrun)
  • CHS(Chinese High Score)
  • CCSR(Chinese Crazy Speedrun)
  • CCHS(Chinese Crazy High Score)


  • Must upload a record video to certify your score.
  • The scoring of CHS and CHS is to see the game score counter in the bottom-left corner.
  • The CSR, CCSR mode requires you to completely get all of the the items which you get. For example, you must allow all parts of the score ball to be gotten. Please note that all items will disappear when you pass through the checkpoint. Please press Esc before the chackpoint until all items have been gotten and close the menu to move on.
  • CSR, CCSR uses your final score and a formula to calculate your speedrun time:Seconds = (Initial score + Earned score + Level bonus - Final score) / 2
  • CHS, CSR does not allow any use of the game BUG cheating skills.
  • CCHS, CCSR only allows zip glitch and camera skew glitch.
  • CCHS, CCSR score must be higher than the corresponding CHS, CSR. CCHS, CCSR score is lower than corresponding CHS, CSR has no meaning and is not acceptable.

The way to submit

Open a post on Chinese Ballance Forum and attach your video into your post.

Also, if you couldn't open a post on Chinese Ballance Forum, you can contact yyc12345 in Discord server.


Supported record authentication mode

  • URTAG-12(Universal Real Time Attack Glitch (Pass 12 levels))
  • URTAG-13(Universal Real Time Attack Glitch (Pass 13 levels))
  • URTA-12(Universal Real Time Attack Glitchless (Pass 12 levels))
  • URTA-13(Universal Real Time Attack Glitchless (Pass 13 levels))
  • UIL(Universal Individual Level Glitchless)


The detail about the rule can be seen at Speedrun.com's Ballance page.

The way to submit

Sutmit your video on Speedrun.com's Ballance page directly or contact Leemyy in Discord server.

Score Manager

Supported record authentication mode

  • SSR(Score Manager Speedrun)
  • SHS(Score Manager High Score)


  • Must use Score Manager to play.
  • For scoring method, SSR=CSR, SHS=CHS.
  • It's best to record a video of the process about creating your record, which is convenient for proving your score when your score have some problems.

The way to submit

No need to do anything. Score Manager will submit your score automatically.