move some content to BMMO
{{AppboxSeealso|name=BallanceMMOClient|screenshot=bmmo.png|screenshotDesc=The multiplay game window implemented by BallanceMMOClient.|author=Swung0x48|suit=Ballance|link=[httpsMain Page://github.com/Swung0x48/BallanceMMO GitHub repository]|dependency=The Latest [[BML2Ballance Massive Multiplayer Online]]|status=active|date=19 Apr, 2021 ({{AgeYM|2021|4|19}} ago)|latest=None|license=* v1:Apache License* v2 and v3:Unknow License}} {{Cquote|yyc12345|This is a brand-new, groundbreaking plugin. This plugin revives Ballance community.}} '''BallanceMMOClient'''(abbr, BMMO) is a groundbreaking [[BML2]] plugin developed by Swung0x48. It allows a player to play Ballance with other players with low latency via a deployed central BMMO server. The ball of other players will be rendered as a shadow ball(half-transparent ball) in the game viewport, and a player name label will also be attached to it. Moreover, real-time chat, detect cheat status(cheat mode on or off) are also available. BMMO is enough stable to be used for some tournaments after a few iterations.
== Download ==
If you want to play with Chinese Ballance players, you should join Multi-play QQ Group and get server URL within it.<br />
Or, there is a big latency when you are connecting to Chinese BMMO server, or you want to play Ballance with over world Ballance players, you can join Ballance [[Discord]] server and get server URL from {{code|#multiplay}} channel.
== Deploy a Personal Server ==