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Yyc12345讨论 | 贡献2022年4月23日 (六) 13:59的版本
Chinese version / 中文版: BallanceMMOClient/zh

The multiplay game window implemented by BallanceMMOClient.
Basic Infomation
Author Swung0x48
Suitable for Ballance
Dependency The Latest BML2
Release Date 19 Apr, 2021 (3 years, 5 months ago)
Final Version None
Project Link GitHub repository
Development Status In active development
  • v1:Apache License
  • v2 and v3:Unknow License
This is a brand-new, groundbreaking plugin. This plugin revives Ballance community.

BallanceMMOClient(abbr, BMMO) is a groundbreaking BML2 plugin developed by Swung0x48. It allows a player to play Ballance with other players with low latency via a deployed central BMMO server. The ball of other players will be rendered as a shadow ball(half-transparent ball) in the game viewport, and a player name label will also be attached to it. Moreover, real-time chat, detect cheat status(cheat mode on or off) are also available. BMMO is enough stable to be used for some tournaments after a few iterations.



  • Join Multiplay QQ Group, and download from QQ Group Files.
  • Join Ballance Discord Server.
  • Download from the Release page of GitHub repository.(Not suggested because publish is not in time.)
  • Download project and build by yourself.(Not suggested because building this plugin is harder than imagine.)

Please read the requirement of server which you want to join and download correct version. In most instances, downloading the latest version is the best decision. Server will reject the connection of obsolete client after some updates.

Client Usage

Install Client

Please ensure that you have installed the latest BML2. Then you need to put your downloaded zip file in ModLoader/Mods directly without decompression. If you have installed obsolete BMMO previously, please remove it instantly. Your installation is finished if you can see BallanceMMOClient entry in BML Mods menu.

Configurate Server and Username

After installation, there are 2 way to configure your server URL and username. If you are looking for some available servers, please check out the next chapter to get an available server.
First, you can enter BallanceMMOClient entry in BML Mods menu, then use Remote and Player submenu to set server URL and username. If your server URL or username contain complex words, you can use the next method.
Method 2, Close game, navigate to ModLoader/Config/BallanceMMOClient.cfg and open it. Now, you can change server URL and username directly. 在您安装成功后,您有两种选择去设置您要连接的服务器和您的用户名。如果您正在寻找可用的服务器,可以查看下一章节以获取可用的服务器。

Basic Operations

Available Servers


Deploy a Personal Server