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BallanceBug讨论 | 贡献2019年10月10日 (四) 12:54的版本 Usage:link to wikipedia
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This template returns the number of full years between two specified dates. If the second set of parameters is not included, it returns the number of full years between a specified date and today's date.

Dates are checked for validity. For example, 29 February 2000 is accepted, but 29 February 1900 is not a valid date.

Partial dates such as July 1989 (no day) or 1989 (no month and no day) can be entered using 0 for missing values. Having no year, or having a day with no month is an error.

{{age|year|month|day|year2|month2|day2}} or
{{age|year|month|day}} or
{{age|date|date2}} or
{{age|1989|7|23|2003|7|14}} → 13
{{age|1989|7|0|2003|7|14}} → 14
{{age|1989|0|0|2003|7|14}} → 14
{{age|23 July 1989|14 July 2003}} → 13
{{age|July 1989|2003}} → 14
When entering dates before the Common Era, use astronomical year numbering: 1 BCE is represented by 0, 2 BCE by -1, 3 BCE by -2 etc. For example, the following gives the number of full years since the battle of Cannae, which took place on August 2, 216 BCE:
{{age|August 2, 216 BCE}}2239