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删除934字节2020年12月4日 (五) 19:55
<div style="float:{{{position}}};margin:0px 10px 0px 10px">
|headerstyle= background:#ccf;
|labelstyle= background:#ddf;
|header1={{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=Basic infomation | zh=基本信息 | Basic infomation}}|label2={{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=Original name | zh=源语言名 | Original name}}|data2={{{originalName}}}|label3={{#switch: {{{languagePAGENAME}}}}} | en=Author | zhlabel3=作者 | Author}}
|label4=发布时间|data4={{#switchif: {{{languagedate|}}} | en=Release date | zh=发布时间 | Release {{{date}}}|data4={{DateConverter|language={year}}}年{{{languagemonth}}}|year={{{dateYearday}}}日{{Resize|({{年月差异|month={{{dateMonthyear|2004}}}|day={{{dateDay}}month|4}}}|label5={{#switch: {{{languageday|2}}} }}前)}}}}| en=Section count | zhlabel5=小节数 | Section count}}
|header6=拓展信息|label7=授权类型|data7={{#if: {{{type|}}}|{{#switch: {{{languagetype|}}} | enCBF=Expanded information [[Ballance吧通用授权]]| zh=拓展信息 {{{type}}}}}| Expanded information[[Ballance吧通用授权]]}}|label7label8=适用于|data8={{#switch: {suit|[[Ballance/zh|Ballance]]}}}|label9=包含在[[地图包]]中|data9={{{languagemapPackage}}} | enlabel10=Authorization type 纪录认证支持于| zhdata10=授权类型 {{{record| Authorization type[[Ballance吧]]}}}|data7=}}<includeonly>[[Category:独立自制地图]]</includeonly><noinclude>
{{#switch: {{{language}}} | en== 语法 ==
斜体的均可以不填,见下文解释。 {{#switch: {{{Mapbox/zh ''| position ='' ''| name ='' | screenshot = | screenshotDesc = ''| originalName ='' | author = | section = ''| date ='' ''(| year = | month = | day =)'' ''| type}}} ='' ''| freesuit =Free to use '' | UnknowmapPackage = ''| record ='' }}
| zh== 重要参数解释 ==
{{#switch: {{{type}}} | free=免费使用 | 未知}} }}  |label8={{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=Suitable for | zh=适用于 | Suitable for}}|data8={{{suit}}}|label9={{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=Included in Map Package | zh=包含在地图包中 | Included in Map Package}}|data9= {{#ifeq: {{{mapPackage}}} | true|{{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=Yes | zh= 是 | Yes}}|{{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=No | zh= 否 | No}}}} |label10={{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=Records supported by | zh=支持此地图的纪录认证者 | Records supported by}}|data10type {{#if: {{{record}}}|{{{record}}}|{{#switch: {{{language}}} | en=None | zh= 无 | None}}}}
}}授权类型。填写 </div> <noincludecode>== Notice == CBF<div style="color:red">You should learn some necessary document before changing this template. Go to https://iso639-3.sil.org/code_tables/639/data to get ISO 639-3 code.</div>  == Grammer == <pre>{{Mapbox|position=|language= |name=|screenshot=|screenshotDesc= |originalName=|author=|section= |dateYear=|dateMonth=|dateDay= |type=|suit=|mapPackage=|record=}}</pre> == Important parameters可以自动生成[[Ballance吧通用授权]]。若不填则'''默认为CBF''' description =。(CBF =[[Chinese Ballance Forum]],中国Ballance论坛,即指[[Ballance吧]])
=== position ===
Support 支持 '''left''' or '''right'''. Determine the position of infobox. === language === Please use ISO 639-3 code. * en=english* zh=Chinese决定这个Box的浮动位置,不写此参数时'''默认'''right。
=== screenshot ===
You only need to input file name. Because we want to each pictures have the same size. === dataXXX === date id release data. Year is always necessary. You can use '''Year''', '''Year + Month''' or '''Year + Month + Day'''. === type === type support '''free''' currently.截图。你只需要输入文件名即可,模板会自动强制大小为 220 px。
=== suit ===
Use quoto to devide each items. Don't use any specific language's words.使用英文逗号分隔各个项,不要使用特定语言中的任何字符,例如中文逗号或者“且”,“和”之类的文本
Correct正确示例: Ballance, Ballance Remix错误示例: Ballance and Ballance Remix / Ballance 和 Ballance Remix
Incorrect: Ballance and Ballance Remix === mapPackage === Inputting 不写时'''true默认''' or '''false''' is ok.为 Ballance。
=== record ===
Follow suit's rule. Additionally, If none of record certifiers support this map, keep it is blank.与suit格式一样。
== Help ==此外,如果没有内容,请手动填写无。
If you still have problems about using this template, you can see some example in [[Mapping|Mapping page]].不写'''默认'''为CBF,即Ballance吧。
You also can contact yyc12345 in our Discord server.=== date ===
