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删除605字节2023年10月28日 (六) 21:45
== Download ==
* Download from [https://dl.bmmo.mlbcrc.site/ Publish Website]. Click "Download Standalone Package" to download. (Suggested)
* Join Multi-play QQ Group, and download from QQ Group Files.
* Join Ballance Discord Server.
==== Server Status ====
* {{code|/mmo <u>c</u>onnect <nowiki>[地址address]</nowiki>}} – 连接到地址对应的服务器。若不填地址则使用 Mod 设置内填入的服务器地址。Connect your specified server. If address argument is omitted, use the server setting of this plugin instead.* {{code|/mmo <u>d</u>isconnect}} – 离开玩家所在的服务器。Leave current connected server.
==== Player Status ====
* {{code|/mmo <u>l</u>ist<nowiki>|</nowiki><u>l</u>ist-<u>i</u>d}} – 显示所在服务器内所有玩家的名称列表。若使用 Show a list containing all online player's name. if use {{code|list-id}},则在列表内同时列出玩家名称和内部临时 ID。argument, a extra temporary internal player ID will be attached to its name.* {{code|/mmo <u>g</u>et<u>m</u>ap}} – 显示服务器内所有玩家各自所在的地图名称和小节号(方便寻找不同玩家)。For all players, show which map player is playing and its corresponding sector. It is convenient for looking for players.* {{code|/mmo <u>g</u>et<u>p</u>os}} – 显示服务器内所有玩家各自的坐标和球的种类。Show the position and ball type for all players.<ref name="single-player">服务器内玩家数仅有 For some reason about reducing computing and network resources, server will not send player's position and status data when the server only have a single player. So the shadow ball also can not move following player. Because of this, the position and ball type data is not correct when the server only have 1 人(即玩家自身)时为节约运算和网络资源,服务器并不会向玩家发送坐标等状态信息,所以影子球不会跟随玩家移动。也因此服务器内仅有 1 名玩家(即玩家自身)时并不会正确显示坐标和球的种类。player.</ref>* {{code|/mmo <u>r</u>e<u>l</u>oad}} – 重新加载服务器内玩家状态。如果玩家名称标记和实际影子球错位,可以使用重载功能调整。Reload all players status in client. If player name label and its shadow ball are mismatched, this function may solve this issue.* {{code|/mmo gettimestamp}} – 显示服务器内玩家的影子球插值用时间数据。Show all players extrapolation debug data.''此命令为调试功能。This command is served for the developer of this mod.''
==== Player Interaction ====
* {{code|/mmo <u>s</u>ay <nowiki><文字text></nowiki>}} or {{code|/say <nowiki><文字text></nowiki>}} – 在服务器内公开发送一条内容为 Send a public message in server with a content of <文字text> 的聊天信息。.<ref>Before 3.1.5-beta5, due to the implementation of BMMO, {{code|Space}} is not supported in message content. You need to use other symbol to split words if you need. For example, you can type {{code|wait/a/minute}} or {{code|wait-a-minute}} instead of {{code|wait a minute}}.</ref>.* {{code|/mmo <u>w</u>hisper <nowiki><玩家名称player name> <文字text></nowiki>}} or {{code|/mmo <u>w</u>hisper <nowiki>#<玩家IDplayer ID> <文字text></nowiki>}} – 向对应的玩家发送私聊信息,只有对方能够看见。Send a private message for your specified player. This message only can be seen by you and your specified player.* {{code|/mmo announce <nowiki><文字text></nowiki>}} – 在服务器内发送一条重要通知。可以显示包括中文在内的非 Send a important public message in server. This message {{Color|'''support non-ASCII 字符。characters'''|red}} and will '''be shown at the center of game window for a while.'''* {{code|/mmo bulletin <nowiki>[文字text]</nowiki>}} – 设置服务器的常驻通知(会维持在游戏界面顶端显示)。Set server bulletin text. '''The bulletin text bar will constantly displayed at the top-center of game window.'''<ref>常驻通知不会自动换行,请注意描述的简洁度;此外,服务器内所有玩家均退出(使得服务器内没有玩家)后常驻通知会自动清空。Bulletin text do not support line break. Please use a clear and short text for it. Additionally, bulletin will set to blank when all players disconnected from server.</ref>* {{code|/mmo <u>a</u>nnounce<u>m</u>ap}} – 在服务器内公开发送自己所在的地图和小节的信息(可以用于通知其他用户)。Explicitly notify server which map you are playing and which section you are staying. (It is convenient fot notify other players)* {{code|/mmo <u>t</u>ele<u>p</u>ort <nowiki><玩家名称player name></nowiki>}} or {{code|/mmo <u>t</u>ele<u>p</u>ort <nowiki>#<玩家IDplayer ID></nowiki>}} – 传送至服务器内其他玩家的坐标。只能在作弊模式(Cheat Mode)下使用。Teleport to other player's position. Only works on Cheat Mode.<ref>传送只能做到传送到玩家本地存储的其他玩家的坐标,不会连带切换玩家所在的地图或小节,也不会复原其他玩家视角的机关摆放;请与 Teleportation only can move you to other player's position. It can not switch your sector automatically and also can not restore element statues.This command is frequently used with {{code|/mmo getmap}} 等命令配合使用。</ref><ref name="single-player" />* {{code|/mmo kick <nowiki><玩家名称player name> [理由reason]</nowiki>}} or {{code|/mmo kick <nowiki>#<玩家IDplayer ID> [理由reason]</nowiki>}}: 将对应名称(不区分大小写)或 Kick the player from server with corresponding name (case-insensitive) or ID 的玩家踢出服务器。* {{code|/mmo custommap <nowiki><名称Name|reset></nowiki>}}: 自定义自己所在地图的名称(仅对其他玩家有效,玩家自身无法查看)。切换地图或者切换小节时均会重置。Customize your map name which you are playing. This name will be reset when switching levels or sectors.
==== Tournament Status ====
* {{code|/mmo cheat <nowiki>on|off</nowiki>}} – 开启或关闭服务器内所有人的作弊模式(Cheat Mode)。Turn cheat mode on or off for all players online.* {{code|/mmo countdown}} – 自动连续发出 3, 2, 1, 开始比赛的信号。Start the ready-set-go countdown.* {{code|/mmo dnf}} – 发出未能成功完赛所在地图的信号(同对应的快捷键)。Forfeit the game (did-not-finish).* {{code|/mmo rank reset}} – 若玩家自己稍后发送比赛起跑命令,则同时重置服务器内所有地图先前已有的排行名次(适用于多地图连续比赛但仅发号一次的场景)。Run this before activating the countdown to reset all ranking (applies to a single race across multiple levels).* {{code|/mmo <nowiki>ready|ready-cancel</nowiki>}} – 用于公开示意自己已经准备好了(进入已准备状态)或还未准备好(取消先前的准备状态)。- Signify to other players that you are ready for the race or cancel the ready status.
==== Misc ====
* {{code|/mmo <nowiki>show|hide</nowiki>}} – 显示或隐藏本 Show / hide the console window for this mod. All status output from this mod 的命令行控制台。控制台内可以显示本 will be available in the console, plus you can use commands of this mod 的所有状态提示信息。命令行控制台的输入和输出将{{Color|'''不再有ASCII字符限制'''|red}}(即支持显示与输入中文等字符)。同时输入命令时也无需 in the console (without the {{code|/mmo}} 前缀。prefix). Input and output in the console is no longer limited to standard ASCII characters.
=== Keyboard Shortcuts ===
==== Self Status ====
* {{code|Tab}}: 显示/隐藏其他玩家的影子球的名称标签。Toggle name plates for other players.* {{code|F3}}: 显示/隐藏调试信息。Toggle debug information.* {{code|F3 + A}}: 重新加载服务器内玩家状态。如果玩家名称标记和实际影子球错位,可以使用重载功能调整。Reload player status. Use this to readjust when name plates and shadow balls are offset.* {{code|Ctrl + Tab}}: 显示比赛内非旁观玩家的实时状态(所在的地图和小节)列表。Show realtime status of players in the race, including current map and checkpoint. <ref>先按住 Hold Ctrl 再按 Tab(其他快捷键同理),虽然要同时按下但顺序不可错乱。then press Tab. The order matters.</ref>* {{code|Ctrl + <nowiki>`</nowiki>}}: 显示/隐藏自己的(经历网络延迟后的)实时影子球,方便观察自身延迟。Show shadow ball of yourself (after network latency). Useful for latency test.<ref>{{code|<nowiki>`</nowiki>}} 键位于标准 key is to the left of {{code|1}} on a standard QWERTY 键盘的 1 键左侧,同时可以用于输入 keyboard and can be used to type tilde symbol ({{code|<nowiki>~</nowiki>}}) when combined with {{code|<nowiki>Shift</nowiki>}}</ref><ref name="single-player" />* {{code|Ctrl + Shift + ↑}}: 重置自己的视角。防止比赛过程中意外切换到非 90 度视角状态后无法正常继续比赛。Reset camera. Useful when you accidentally set a nonstandard camera angle. Some rules force a player to forfeit the game if nonstandard camera angle is used.<ref>重置视角时摄像机需要有大约 Please allow 1~-2 秒的调整时间,此期间建议不要移动防止出现其他意外(可以在变球器上时调整视角,减少非必要的时间浪费)。seconds for the camera to readjust and do not move before it's done. You can do this while inside a transformer to avoid some time loss.</ref>
==== Tournament Status ====
* {{code|Ctrl + <nowiki>[3 or 2 or 1]</nowiki>}}: 发出对玩家所在地图开始比赛的对应倒数命令。Start countdown.* {{code|Ctrl + 0}}: 发出对玩家所在地图的起跑命令(玩家收到后会同时重置本地的比赛用时计时器)。根据服务器相关设置,地图相同的玩家收到后可能会自动重开所在地图。Start the race. Resets the race timer for all players. Depending on settings of the server, the level may be restarted.* {{code|Ctrl + 4}}: 发出对玩家所在地图的准备命令。Notify the players to ready up.* {{code|Ctrl + 5}}: 发出对玩家所在地图的确认准备状态的命令(用于提示玩家对自己是否准备好了进行示意)。Ask the players to confirm readiness.* {{code|Ctrl + D}} double click quickly(press twice consecutively: Send DNF Forfeit the current level (Did did-not -finish) signal for current map.
== Available Servers ==
If you want to play with Chinese Ballance players, you should join Multi-play QQ Group and get server URL within it.<br />
Or, there is a big latency when you are connecting to Chinese BMMO server, or you want to play Ballance with over world Ballance players, you can join Ballance [[Discord]] server and get server URL from {{code|#multiplay}} channel.
== Deploy a Personal Server ==
In general, creating an BMMO server on a Linux server is easier than a Windows server. You can check out the GitHub repository's README file of this plugin to know how to deploy a BMMO server.
== References ==
<references />