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添加606字节2022年4月23日 (六) 15:49
First, you can enter BallanceMMOClient entry in BML Mods menu, then use Remote and Player submenu to set server URL and username. If your server URL or username contain complex words, you can use the next method.<br />
Method 2, Close game, navigate to {{code|ModLoader/Config/BallanceMMOClient.cfg}} and open it. Now, you can change server URL and username directly.
在您安装成功后,您有两种选择去设置您要连接的服务器和您的用户名。如果您正在寻找可用的服务器,可以查看下一章节以获取可用的服务器。<br />
您可以在游戏的Mod界面中,BallanceMMOClient设置项中的Remote和Player选项中分别设置您的服务器地址和用户名。如果您的地址或名称中包含复杂文本,您可以选择第二种方法。<br />
=== Basic Operations ===
The following operations are frequently to be used. Please ensure that you have known them well before starting multi-play.
* {{code|/mmo c}} or {{code|/mmo connect}}: Connect to server.
* {{code|/mmo d}} or {{code|/mmo disconnect}}: Disconnect from server
* {{code|/mmo l}} or {{code|/mmo list}}: List all online player clients.
* {{code|/mmo s <message>}} or {{code|/mmo say <message>}}: Send message. Due the implementation of BML command, {{code|Space}} is not supported in message content. You need to use other symbol to split words if you need. For example, you can type {{code|wait/a/minute}} or {{code|wait-a-minute}} instead of {{code|wait a minute}}.
* F3 for switching the display of debug information. Debug information mainly show network transfer status.
After anti-cheat update(v3.1), BMMO supports more anti-cheat features.
* {{code|/mmo cheat [on或off]}}:开关'''所有玩家'''的cheat。此命令将在不请求其它玩家的情况下强制改变所有玩家的作弊状态。请不要滥用此指令。
* 现在会在玩家进行作弊的时候进行全局通报,并在作弊玩家名称后部付加{{code|[C]}}进行标记
== Available Servers ==