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添加786字节2020年4月6日 (一) 16:44
'''BMMaker''' is a tool used in [[mapping]] for mass production of [[floor]]s. It generates .ms MS scripts, which is a type of script that can be read and executed by [[3ds Max]]; BMMaker itself does not serve as a model generator, but a tool that generates the script which can be executed to generate models in 3ds Max.
此工具原版仅此一版,没有发布更多版本。No more versions other than the original one have been released.
由于原版所使用的路面模型存在一些问题(例如裂缝和路面顶点过多等),2019年1月由 Because of some problems of the floor model used in the original version (such as cracks and too many vertices), a version fixing that was made by [[User:BallanceBug|ballancebugBallanceBug]] 制作了修复版并于次月发布,同年9月时再次制作了进一步的修复版。in January 2019 and released the next month, and a further repaired version was made again in September of the same year.
== 下载 Download ==
推荐下载2019修复版。It is recommended to download the 2019 fixed version.
{| class="wikitable"
! 版本 Version !! 时间 Date !! 下载Download{{下载文件|2019修复版-| 2019 fixed version ||2019-0209-2314 || '''[[:File:BMMaker-2019.zip|bw|d|y}}{{下载文件|原版||2010-06-19||n|d|y}}]]'''
== 兼容性 Compatibility == 使用Visual Basic 6进行编写。因此可以运行在大部分机器上,方便了制图者使用。
个别 Windows 10 系统的用户在尝试运行时可能会遇到兼容性或卡顿问题,前者可以通过设置兼容性 (至 Windows 7 即可) 解决,后者只需耐心等待片刻。The program is written in Visual Basic 6. Therefore, it can run on most machines, which is convenient mappers.
与 Map Editor 不同的是,BMMaker所需的 3ds Max 版本最低只需要 3ds Max 9。Windows 10 system users may encounter compatibility or lag issues when trying to run BMMaker. The former can be solved by setting compatibility (to Windows 7), while the latter just needs to wait for a while.
== 使用方法 ==Unlike [[Map Editor]], the minimum 3ds Max version required by BMMaker is only 3ds Max 9.
本节将指导您如何使用BMMaker,本教程默认您在Windows下执行各类操作,如果您使用其他操作系统,请自行寻找替代品。== How to use ==
=== 绘制PicThis section will guide you how to use BMMaker. In this tutorial, operations are performed in Windows by default. If you are using other operating systems, alternative methods may be find.bmp ===
[[File:Bmmaker-example.png|400px|thumb|right|Pic.bmp的一个示例]][[File:Bmmaker-ExampleResult.png|300px|thumb|right|=== Drawing Pic.bmp示例所生成的路面]]bmp ===
先打开程序目录下的Pic[[File:Bmmaker-example.bmp,然后擦去原画,即上部的已经预置的,画好的图形。然后就可以开始绘制自己的路面了。png|400px|thumb|right|An example of Pic.bmp]][[File:Bmmaker-ExampleResult.png|300px|thumb|right|An example of Pic.bmp]]
绘制前建议将图画放大6或8倍,以更好地看清绘制路面以增加绘制准确性。绘制路面时,需要注意路面均为两个像素宽。其次是绘制颜色,不同的绘制颜色代表了不同的路面类型。可以参考下表调整颜色来绘制不同路面,或使用画图内置的颜色拾取器工具吸取PicFirst, open Pic.bmp in the program directory, and then blank the original painting, which is the preset and drawn graphics in the upper part. Then you can start drawing your own floor.bmp下部的图例的颜色。颜色绘制错误会导致程序无法识别,切勿认为颜色相近即可而随便选了一个相近的颜色使用。此外,注意路面不要画到画布边缘。
路面颜色对应表:It is recommended to enlarge the drawing 6 or 8 times before drawing to for easier viewing and increasing the drawing accuracy. Attention must be paid to that the pavement is two pixels wide. Different colors represent different floor types. The following table is a reference to adjust the colors to draw different roads; the built-in color picker tool can also be used to draw the colors of the legend in the lower part of Pic.bmp. Wrong colors will cause failures in recognition of the types of floors. Also, be careful not to paint on the edges of the canvas.
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 0.92em"
! 对应路面 Corresponding floor type !! 颜色 Color !! 颜色具体数值Color value
| 平路 Flat || {{Square|1em|#000000}} 黑色 Black || #000000 (RGB: 0, 0, 0)
| 凹路Profile (包括突起的路边缘Including raised road edges) || {{Square|1em|#800080}} 紫色 Purple || #800080 (RGB: 128, 0, 128)
| 平凹转换 ProfilFlat (profile-flat conversion) || {{Square|1em|#316AC5}} 蓝色 Blue || #316AC5 (RGB: 49, 106, 197)
| 内路Profile platform (突起边缘的内部路面lower floors inside) || {{Square|1em|#808000}} 土绿色 earth green || #808000 (RGB: 128, 128, 0)
| [[纸变Paper transformer]] || {{Square|1em|#00FFFF}} 天蓝色 sky blue || #00FFFF (RGB: 0, 255, 255)
| [[木变Wood transformer]] || {{Square|1em|#FF8000}} 橙色 orange || #FF8000 (RGB: 255, 128, 0)
| [[石变Stone transformer]] || {{Square|1em|#00C000}} 绿色 green || #00C000 (RGB: 0, 192, 0)
| 保留路面,用于在这里拼接[[风扇]]之类的其他路面 Edgeless floor (for jointing other types of floors) || 其余颜色(除去白色 Other colors, with the exception of white #FFFFFF) FFFFFF || -
=== 分析与生成脚本 Analysis and generation of scripts ===
After drawing the road and saving Pic.bmp. You can run the program itself: Engineering 1.exe, click in turn: import pic.bmp and start profiling. After clicking to start profiling, it will freeze for a period of time until the parsing is completed. At this time, the program may become unresponsive and you can ignore it. In addition, the program also provides a text box, which is located above the import pic.bmp button. It is used to control the generated height. The default is 0. When making a multi-layered pavement, you can control the height of the generated pavement (because Bmmaker converts 2D graphics, so The generated pavement must be on a plane.) The program maker recommends that when multi-layer pavements need to be generated, the pavement interval is recommended to be 5, which is increased by 5 each time the pavement is generated.=== 生成路面 Generate pavement ===
完成解析后,程序目录下会生成一个NewAfter the parsing is completed, a New.ms文件。我们需要打开Makerms file will be generated in the program directory. We need to open Maker.max(需要3ds requires 3ds Max 9以上版本9 and above), delete the excess pavement (if you have used this file for several generations before),删去多余的路面(如果您之前利用了这个文件进行过几次生成),仅保留部分必须路面:only part of the required pavement is retained: [[File:Bmmaker-EssentialFloor.png|100px]]
然后刚刚生成的NewThen just generated the New.ms脚本。点击菜单上的MAXScriptms script. Just click MAXScript-运行脚本即可。Run Script on the menu.
选择任何一个生成的路块,右键转换为可编辑多边形Select any of the generated road blocks,点击附加旁边的一个带框的按钮。附加所有带done字眼的路块right-click to convert to editable polygons, and click a boxed button next to Attach. Append all road blocks with done words (从done开始到最后一个donexxxfrom done to the last donexxx)
=== 焊接路面 Welding pavement ===
之后,得到路面上还有裂缝(如下图,图片放大后可以看到渲染中有黑点,即裂缝),因此我们需要修复裂缝。{{Translation}}After that, there are cracks on the road(As shown below, after zooming in the picture, you can see that there are black spots in the rendering, that is, cracks),So we need to repair the cracks.
附加完成后,展开可编辑多边形编辑器,点击顶点,并按 After the attachment is complete, expand the editable polygon editor, click on the vertices, and press Ctrl+A 选中所有顶点,然后在下面的编辑顶点中,点击焊接,可以看到焊接后顶点少了不少,裂缝也消失了。to select all vertices. Then in the edit vertices below, click Weld. You can see that the vertices are much less and the cracks have disappeared after welding.
但焊接后,顶点处会被平滑,例如上下坡路面无法看出坡度变化,这时需要手动取消平滑组。用多边形修改器,选中所有面,点击清除全部平滑组,如图,这样就棱角分明了。However, after welding, the apex will be smoothed. For example, the slope change cannot be seen on the up and down slopes. In this case, you need to manually cancel the smoothing group. With the polygon modifier, select all faces and click to clear all smoothing groups, as shown in the figure, so the edges and corners are clear.
然后就可以导出NMO了,导出工具可以参阅Then you can export to NMO file. For the export tool, please refer to [[Max2Virtools/zh|Max2Virtools]].
== 缺陷 Defects ==
{{Translation}}* 需要玩家手动进行大量调节,操作较繁琐。The author needs to make a lot of adjustments manually, and the operation is tedious.* 制作出的路面大小是以 The size of the pavement produced is 2.5x2.5 为单位的,而原版是 , and the original version is 5x5 为单位,因而 . Therefore, the number of vertices created by BMMaker 制作出的路面顶点数更多,文件大小大于原版路面,不利于地图的精简。is larger, and the file size is larger than the original pavement, which is not conducive to streamlining the map.* 仅能制作较为简单的路面。Only simpler roads can be made.
== See also ==