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Klaus Riech

添加116字节2019年8月21日 (三) 22:16
'''Klaus Riech''', born 1968<ref name="ref1">In the [[Help:Discord|Discord server of Ballance]] {{Resize|(16 August 2019)}}; {{Resize|Re-posted at [https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6231978484 【特大新闻】 疑似 Ballance 原设计师出现] (In Chinese, Baidu Tieba)|0.8em}}</ref> (age {{Age|1968}}), is the developer chief designer, project manager, art director of the game [[Ballance]]. He later stepped out of the computer games business because he found it too inhumane, and he became an animal rights activist and total organic food expert.<ref name="ref2">[https://invalidmemory.wordpress.com/2018/11/23/player-two-an-interview-with-mona-mur Player Two: An Interview with Mona Mur] {{Resize|(23 November 20192018)}}</ref>
Reich only has one ear: he damaged his eardrum when he was in his teenage years. He and the music composer of Ballance, [[Wikipedia:Mona Mur|Mona Mur]], are friends.<ref name="ref2" />
Klaus Riech lives in Berlin currently.<ref name="ref1" />He joined the [[Help:Discord|Discord server of Ballance]] in August 2019.
== References ==
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