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HanCF讨论 | 贡献2020年4月3日 (五) 21:03的版本
Chinese version / 中文版: BMMaker/zh

BMMaker is a tool used in mapping for mass production of floors. It generates .ms scripts, which is a type of script that can be read and executed by 3ds Max; BMMaker itself does not serve as a model generator, but a tool that generates the script which can be executed to generate models in 3ds Max.

Interface of BMMaker
Basic Infomation
Author 2jjy
Suitable for Mapping
Dependency 3ds Max needed for further processing
Release Date 19 June 2019 (14 years, 7 months ago)
Project Link -
Development Status Dormant
小部件Infobox出错: unable to write file C:\web\phproot\mw\extensions\Widgets\compiled_templates\6c921479b79efd3f7ee6648c9fac8b19b69ba9bc_0.wiki.Infobox.php

The original version of this tool is only this version, no more versions have been released.

Because of some problems due to the pavement model used in the original(Such as cracks and too many vertices),2019/01,ballancebug A repaired version was made and released the following month, and a further repaired version was made again in September of the same year.



It is recommended to download the 2019 fixed version.

Version Date Download
2019Fixed version 2019-02-23 文件:BMMaker-2019.zip
Original 2010-06-19


Written in Visual Basic 6. Therefore, it can run on most machines, which is convenient for cartographers.

Individual users of Windows 10 systems may encounter compatibility or stutter issues when trying to run. The former can be solved by setting compatibility (Just set compatibility to Windows 7), and the latter just needs to wait for a while.

Unlike Map Editor, the minimum 3ds Max version required by BMMaker is only 3ds Max 9.

How to use

This section will guide you how to use BMMaker. In this tutorial, you will perform various operations under Windows by default. If you use other operating systems, please find alternatives by yourself.

Draw Pic.bmp

An example of Pic.bmp
An example of Pic.bmp

First,open Pic.bmp in the program directory, and then erase the original painting, that is, the preset and drawn graphics in the upper part. Then you can start drawing your own road.

It is recommended to enlarge the drawing 6 or 8 times before drawing to better understand the drawing road surface and increase the drawing accuracy. When drawing a pavement, you need to pay attention to that the pavement is two pixels wide. The second is the drawing color. Different drawing colors represent different road types. You can refer to the following table to adjust the colors to draw different roads, or use the built-in color picker tool to draw the colors of the legend in the lower part of Pic.bmp. The wrong color drawing will cause the program to fail to recognize. Do not think that the colors are similar and just choose a similar color to use. Also, be careful not to paint on the edges of the canvas.

Pavement color corresponding road surface table:

Corresponding road surface Color Color specific value
Flat road Black #000000 (RGB: 0, 0, 0)
Concave road(Including raised road edges) Purple #800080 (RGB: 128, 0, 128)
Plano-concave conversion Blue #316AC5 (RGB: 49, 106, 197)
Inside road(Raised pavement inside pavement) earth green #808000 (RGB: 128, 128, 0)
纸变 sky blue #00FFFF (RGB: 0, 255, 255)
木变 orange #FF8000 (RGB: 255, 128, 0)
石变 green #00C000 (RGB: 0, 192, 0)
Preserve pavement for splicing other pavements like 风扇 here other clolr(Does not contain white #FFFFFF) -

Analysis and generation of scripts

After drawing the road and saving Pic.bmp. You can run the program itself: Engineering 1.exe, click in turn: import pic.bmp and start profiling. After clicking to start profiling, it will freeze for a period of time until the parsing is completed. At this time, the program may become unresponsive and you can ignore it. In addition, the program also provides a text box, which is located above the import pic.bmp button. It is used to control the generated height. The default is 0. When making a multi-layered pavement, you can control the height of the generated pavement (because Bmmaker converts 2D graphics, so The generated pavement must be on a plane.) The program maker recommends that when multi-layer pavements need to be generated, the pavement interval is recommended to be 5, which is increased by 5 each time the pavement is generated.

Generate pavement

After the parsing is completed, a New.ms file will be generated in the program directory. We need to open Maker.max (requires 3ds Max 9 and above), delete the excess pavement (if you have used this file for several generations before), only part of the required pavement is retained:  

Then just generated the New.ms script. Just click MAXScript-Run Script on the menu.

Select any of the generated road blocks, right-click to convert to editable polygons, and click a boxed button next to Attach. Append all road blocks with done words (from done to the last donexxx)


Welding pavement

After that, there are cracks on the road(As shown below, after zooming in the picture, you can see that there are black spots in the rendering, that is, cracks),So we need to repair the cracks.


After the attachment is complete, expand the editable polygon editor, click on the vertices, and press Ctrl + A to select all vertices. Then in the edit vertices below, click Weld. You can see that the vertices are much less and the cracks have disappeared after welding.


However, after welding, the apex will be smoothed. For example, the slope change cannot be seen on the up and down slopes. In this case, you need to manually cancel the smoothing group. With the polygon modifier, select all faces and click to clear all smoothing groups, as shown in the figure, so the edges and corners are clear.


Then you can export to NMO file. For the export tool, please refer to Max2Virtools.


  • The author needs to make a lot of adjustments manually, and the operation is tedious.
  • The size of the pavement produced is 2.5x2.5, and the original version is 5x5. Therefore, the number of vertices created by BMMaker is larger, and the file size is larger than the original pavement, which is not conducive to streamlining the map.
  • Only simpler roads can be made.

See also