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BallanceBug讨论 | 贡献2020年3月14日 (六) 16:12的版本
Chinese version / 中文版: Stopper/zh

Bascule bridge-level2.jpg
A bascule bridge is being knocked down by the stone ball; a stopper used as bedding can be seen in the right.
Basic information
Floor module Phys_FloorStopper
Levels of appearance All levels

Stopper is the common name for objects in the Phys_FloorStopper group. It is a type of physical floor and is only effective for entities (including most modules and prop balls) other than the player ball. Since its collision group is the same as the player ball, the latter just ignores and gets through it on "contact".



Stoppers exist at the end of floors in default levels, in the shape of a small piece of wood below the floor level, to support various kinds of modules that are able to be knocked down. Though is the most common type of Stopper, just like floors and rails, every 3D model that is sent to the Stopper group works correctly as a Stopper.

Stoppers in other forms are all hidden (for example, some stoppers in Level 13).

Stoppers are effective to all entities other than the player ball, which leads to its frequent appearance in module-only designs in custom levels, especially to modules that ignore normal floors. Stoppers in this form are usually hidden or with floors in the same shape.

Stoppers can also be made into prop-ball-only paths; 但这种设计一般会被认为“坑人”,是对玩家的戏弄。因此自制地图中需要这么做的时候,往往会设置一些提示(如不同的贴图或安放一个警示牌)来告诉玩家不要试图通过这条路。但因为这样做还是容易引发问题,这种设计在现今的自制地图中已经很少见了。

Physical parameters

Friction Elasticity Mass (ton) Collision Group
0.7 0.3 1.0 Ball

标准木质 Stopper 的参数

厚度 0.5 米,宽 5 米,长 1 米;侧截面是直角梯形,较短的下底边长度 0.5 米;放置在路面附近时,其顶面位于普通路面顶面下方 0.5 米处。


  • 机关触碰 Stopper 时会产生类似于木板碰撞的音效(但无需归入音效组)。
  • 虽然机关触碰 Stopper 时有音效,但同一张地图中仅有第一个 (Phys_FloorStopper 组中第一个) Stopper 会产生音效。这虽然意味着可以制作出不带音效的隐藏 Stopper,但同一张地图内所有需要音效的 Stopper 均应被附加到同一个物体,并被第一个归入 Phys_FloorStopper 组。
  • 第十三关第三小节阻挡沙袋用的护栏实际上是一列护栏(归组为 Phys_FloorRails)和同样模型的 Stopper 重叠而成的,该 Stopper 的命名为标准的 Floor_Stopper,拼接了全图所有的 Stopper。因此沙袋撞到护栏时会发出特别的撞击音效;同理,第四小节阻挡单摆的护栏实际上也不是护栏,而是同一个 Stopper。它本身是隐藏的(不可见),因此不难发现,第二小节推板处看到的 Stopper 实际上是假的,它没有归属于任何一个组,亦类似于装饰那样毫无作用,命名为 StopperDummy
  • Stopper 可以像路面那样添加影子,而且效果并不是像同样可以添加影子的钢轨那样不美观。但原版关卡中的 Stopper 均没有添加影子,原因未知。
