
Ballance Wiki β


BallanceBug讨论 | 贡献2019年10月10日 (四) 23:46的版本

<style type="text/css"> /* Default style for navigation boxes */ .navbox { /* Navbox container style */

   border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
   width: 100%; 
   margin: auto;
   clear: both;
   font-size: 88%;
   text-align: center;
   padding: 1px;

} .navbox-inner, .navbox-subgroup {

   width: 100%;

} .navbox th, .navbox-title, .navbox-abovebelow {

   text-align: center;       /* Title and above/below styles */
   padding-left: 1em;
   padding-right: 1em;

} th.navbox-group { /* Group style */

   white-space: nowrap;
   /* @noflip */
   text-align: right;

} .navbox, .navbox-subgroup {

   background: #fdfdfd;      /* Background color */

} .navbox-list {

   border-color: #fdfdfd;    /* Must match background color */

} .navbox th, .navbox-title {

   background: #ccccff;      /* Level 1 color */

} .navbox-abovebelow, th.navbox-group, .navbox-subgroup .navbox-title {

   background: #ddddff;      /* Level 2 color */

} .navbox-subgroup .navbox-group, .navbox-subgroup .navbox-abovebelow {

   background: #e6e6ff;      /* Level 3 color */

} .navbox-even {

   background: #f7f7f7;      /* Even row striping */

} .navbox-odd {

   background: transparent;  /* Odd row striping */

} table.navbox + table.navbox { /* Single pixel border between adjacent navboxes */

   margin-top: -1px;          /* (doesn't work for IE6, but that's okay)       */

} .navbox .hlist td dl, .navbox .hlist td ol, .navbox .hlist td ul, .navbox td.hlist dl, .navbox td.hlist ol, .navbox td.hlist ul {

   padding: 0.125em 0;       /* Adjust hlist padding in navboxes */

} .navbox .hlist dd, .navbox .hlist dt, .navbox .hlist li {

   white-space: nowrap;      /* Nowrap list items in navboxes */
   white-space: normal !ie;  /* IE < 8 no-wraps entire list, so disable it */

} .navbox .hlist dd dl, .navbox .hlist dt dl, .navbox .hlist li ol, .navbox .hlist li ul {

   white-space: normal;      /* But allow parent list items to be wrapped */

} ol + table.navbox, ul + table.navbox {

   margin-top: 0.5em;        /* Prevent lists from clinging to navboxes */


/* Default styling for Navbar template */ .navbar {

   display: inline;
   font-weight: normal;

} .navbar ul {

   display: inline;
   white-space: nowrap;

} .navbar li {

   word-spacing: -0.125em;

} .navbar.mini li abbr[title] {

   font-variant: small-caps;
   border-bottom: none;
   text-decoration: none;
   cursor: inherit;

} /* Navbar styling when nested in navbox */ .navbox .navbar {

   display: block;

} .navbox-title .navbar {

   /* @noflip */
   float: left;
   /* @noflip */
   text-align: left;
   /* @noflip */
   margin-right: 0.5em;
   width: 8em;


/* 'show'/'hide' buttons created dynamically by the CollapsibleTables javascript

  in MediaWiki:Common.js are styled here so they can be customised. */

.collapseButton {

   /* @noflip */
   float: right;
   font-weight: normal;
   /* @noflip */
   margin-left: 0.5em;
   /* @noflip */
   text-align: right;
   width: auto;


/* In navboxes, the show/hide button balances the v·d·e links

  from Template:Navbar, so they need to be the same width. */

.navbox .collapseButton {

   width: 8em;


/* Style for horizontal lists (separator following item) */ .skin-monobook .hlist dl, .skin-modern .hlist dl, .skin-vector .hlist dl {

   line-height: 1.5em;

} .hlist dl, .hlist ol, .hlist ul {

   margin: 0;

} .hlist dd, .hlist dt, .hlist li {

   display: inline;
   margin: 0;

} /* Display nested lists inline */ .hlist dl dl, .hlist ol ol, .hlist ul ul {

   display: inline;

} /* Generate interpuncts */ .hlist dt:after {

   content: " :";

} .hlist dd:after, .hlist li:after {

   content: " ·";
   font-weight: bold;

} .hlist dd:last-child:after, .hlist dt:last-child:after, .hlist li:last-child:after {

   content: none;

} /* for IE 8 */ .hlist dd.nopunct:after, .hlist dt.nopunct:after, .hlist li.nopunct:after {

   content: none;

} /* Add parens around nested lists */ .hlist dl dl:before, .hlist ol ol:before, .hlist ul ul:before {

   content: "(";

} .hlist dl dl:after, .hlist ol ol:after, .hlist ul ul:after {

   content: ")";

} /* Put numbers in ordered lists */ .hlist.hnum ol li {

   counter-increment: level1;

} .hlist.hnum ol li:before {

   content: counter(level1) " ";

} .hlist.hnum ol ol li {

   counter-increment: level2;

} .hlist.hnum ol ol li:before {

   content: counter(level2) " ";

} </style>