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Chinese version / 中文版: Stopper/zh
Bascule bridge-level2.jpg
A bascule bridge is being knocked down by the stone ball; a stopper used as bedding can be seen in the right.
Basic information
Floor module Phys_FloorStopper
Levels of appearance All levels
小部件Infobox出错: unable to write file C:\web\phproot\mw\extensions\Widgets\compiled_templates\

Stopper is the common name for objects in the Phys_FloorStopper group. It is a type of physical floor and is only effective for entities (including most objects and prop balls) other than the player ball. Since its collision group is the same as the player ball, the latter just ignores and gets through it on "contact".


Stoppers exist at the end of floors in default levels, in the shape of a small piece of wood below the floor level, to support various kinds of objects that are able to be knocked down. Though is the most common type of Stopper, just like floors and rails, every 3D model that is sent to the Stopper group works correctly as a Stopper.

Stoppers in other forms are all hidden (for example, some stoppers in Level 13).

Stoppers are effective to all entities other than the player ball, which leads to its frequent appearance in object-only designs in custom levels, especially to objects that ignore normal floors. Stoppers in this form are usually hidden or in the same shape as floors.

Stoppers can also be made into prop-ball-only paths; however, this design is generally considered tricking. Therefore, stoppers of this type in custom levels are usually highlighted (such as using different textures or with a warning sign) to tell the player not to try to go through them. Since the probable problems, this design is rare in today's custom levels.

Physical parameters

Friction Elasticity Mass (ton) Collision Group
0.7 0.3 1.0 Ball

Standard Wooden Stopper

0.5 meters thick (0.1 units),5 meters wide (1 unit),1 meter long (0.2 units), with shorter bottom edge length 0.5 m (0.1 units); it is usually placed 0.5 m (0.1 units) below the top surface of normal floors.

Did you know

  • When stoppers are touched by objects, a wooden sound effect is produced. hovever, producing that sound does not need the stopper to be in any extra sound effect groups.
  • Despite the existence of the sound effect, only the first stopper in the same level (the first in the Phys_FloorStopper group) is able to produce sound effects. Though this means that a hidden stopper without sound effects can be made, all stoppers that need sound effects in the same level must be attached into the same object and be firstly sent into the Phys_FloorStopper group.
  • The guard rail for blocking the sandbags in the third section of Level 13 is actually a series of guard rails (grouped as Phys_FloorRails) and a stopper of the same model. The stopper is named as the standard "Floor_Stopper". Therefore, sandbags produces the special impact sound on contact of the guard rails; similarly, the guard rails that block turnstiles in the 4th section is actually a stopper.
  • Just like floors, shadows can be added to stoppers. However, stoppers in default levels do not have shadows for unknown reasons.
